Weekend workshop - Blues for Lindy Hoppers with Mathieu and Stephanie
Hello experienced dancers!
We are continuing a series of weekend workshops with some of our favourite dancing friends, to inspire your dancing and widen your experience.
Mathieu is a widely experienced blues and swing dancer dancing and teaching in Ghent, Belgium. Stephanie met Mathieu on the social floor in Paris this year, where their mutual love of intense blues dancing became immediately obvious.
„Have you ever had a dance with a complete stranger, and it clicks almost instantly. And you’re like, yes, I completely trust this person, and I“m hearing the music exactly the same way they are. It was like that.“
Saturday, 31st of August:
11.00-12.30 Blues for Lindy Hoppers Part 1
In this blues fundamentals session we will cover movement options to match different styles of blues music, how to lead and follow direction changes, and some options for self-expression. This is not for complete beginner dancers – either you are an experienced lindy hopper (minimum 6 months classes), or have done some blues before (at least 2 hours of blues classes).
Duration: 1.5h
13.00-14.30 Blues for Lindy Hoppers Part 2
Building on from Part 1 (level requirement is the same), we will cover stopping and restarting – reading your partner and responding to the music, adding a large amount of dynamics and more complex ways of moving with our partner.
Duration: 1.5h
14.45-16.15 Blues for Lindy Hoppers Part 3
Intermediate Level – either you have done parts 1&2, or have done quite a bit of social blues dancing and a few classes. Here we will explore the follower’s taking initiative and the leader’s responding, and some more complex figures where we really rely on our partner to achieve more complex movements.
Duration: 1.5h
Where: Großer Saal der Katholische St. Marien Gemeinde, Alexanderstraße 22, Rödelheim, Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland
Course fees:
For students only 12€/hour
Reduced price for booking all three sessions: 60€ (50€ for students)
You can sign up for any of the above courses, as long as the level is right for you. If in doubt, or in case of any other questions, please contact us.
We are looking forward to seeing you on the dance floor!
Register in the form below.